Western Hermetic Jung Kabbalah Astrology Alchemy Subtle Energy Mastery Intuitive Guidance

Magic: The art of shifting

consciousness at will.


So what does Magic have to do with healing?  The answer, plain and simple, is everything.  Especially when the true meaning of magic is understood as 'the art of raising consciousness according to the will'.  Most people associate magic with an attempt to alter events and circumstances external to oneself.  However, true to tradition, the goal of magic is an internal, not an external, process.  The goal of magic is 'to know thyself'. 

When we speak of consciousness, we are referring to energy, and also to Spirit.  These three terms; consciousness, energy, and Spirit are all aspects of the same thing.  Quantum exploration reveals that all is energy.  Therefore, all is consciousness.  Or as the Hermeticists say, all is Mind. Given this, it is wise to have a map and a model with which to successfully navigate these realms of consciousness, energy, and Spirit.

Through the Hermetic principle of 'As Above, So Below', in coming to Know ourselves we also come to know all of Creation.  We begin to understand the meaning of our 'being' and our place in the Divine Plan.  As we learn the arts of raising our consciousness we begin to understand that Creation expresses itself through multiple dimensions, each with its own particular density, experiences, beings and landscapes.  As part of Creation, we become aware of our own multi-dimensional nature. 

Consciousness/Mind is the vehicle that we are gifted with to travel, experience, and know ourselves on multiple planes of existence whilst our bodies hold us in 3-D materiality so as to allow for learning, growth, and manifestation of the unique gifts each of us carries.  Please take a moment to click on the 21 Principles of Esoteric Therapy and Energy Mastery page to read more about the tenets of this approach to healing.

This work is grounded foundationally in the Western Mystery Traditions.  It incorporates depth psychology, astrology, alchemy, kabbalah & tarot.  Depth psychology is the contemporary expression of these ancient hermetic arts.  The foundation of all expressions of the Mystery traditions is Kabbalah, and specifically the Tree of Life and Four Worlds models of the micro and macrocosm.  The Tree of Life is a working model, a primal and organic energetic matrix, which is our natural birthright.  I work with each individual to discover their unique blueprint, soul themes, and potential.  Many of us are out of alignment with our authentic blueprint and energetic matrix due to influences from false programs and conditioning.  A period of readjustment and recalibration is often necessary to release old programs and energetic blockages, to get things back into alignment, flow, balance, harmony, and congruence.

I am a practitioner of the Western Mystery Traditions, an archetypal astrologer, and an ordained esoteric/interfaith minister providing esoteric counseling and subtle energy mastery through soul and spiritual guidance.   My mission is to support others in 'knowing themselves' and in learning the arts of 'changing consciousness at will'.  The purpose of my mission is to support others in realigning with their authentic energy and being, and to re-establish a connection with their Divine Source/Spark and inner guidance.  Suffering and 'dis-ease' occur when we are out of alignment with our authentically innate energetic gridding and have lost connection to our Divine Source. I believe each of us has access to our own inner guidance and deep wisdom and that when we have accessed these, we will be able to manifest our soul potentials and heart's desires.

In Spirit,





Listen to Shelly on Gnostic Warrior Media podcast talking about her work with Depth & Kabbalistic Psychology:
