Western Hermetic Jung Kabbalah Astrology Alchemy Subtle Energy Mastery Intuitive Guidance

Common Questions

How can working with these methods help me?

Working with a spiritual guide can provide support, increase insight and understanding, enhance your coping strategies, and lead to the development of a new perspective in which problems are transformed or transcended. This process can provide an entirely different way of looking a difficult problem, help you to learn new skills and behaviors, or point you in the direction of an effective solution. It can free up energy and increase vitality. While soul/spiritual guidance can and usually does result in increased levels of well-being, it is not a substitute for therapy or mental health treatment. The benefits of soul and spiritual work are enhanced by regular practice. Some of the benefits available from working with soul/spiritual guidance include:

  • Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values
  • Developing the courage to put your dreams and passions into action in the world
  • Letting go of a lifestyle or habit patterns that no longer serve your highest good
  • Activating your energy body's innate healing and wisdom
  • Developing skills for improving your relationships
  • Establishing healthy boundaries and self-care
  • Opening to multi-dimensional awareness
  • Increasing a sense of wholeness and harmony on levels of body, mind, soul & spirit
  • Transforming problems at the subtle energetic levels of being
  • Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety
  • Managing anger, grief, depression, and other difficult emotions
  • Improving communication and listening skills
  • Discovering new ways to solve problems with your family, friends, and/or marriage partner
  • Improving your self-esteem and boosting self-confidence
  • Developing self-compassion
  • Increasing trust in your intuition and other subtle body ways of knowing and perceiving
  • Reframing negative experiences in new ways; creating new programs to attract positive outcomes
  • Developing insight into your life purpose
  • Cleansing, balancing, and strengthening your etheric, astral, mental & other subtle energy bodies
  • Finding a sense of meaning in life and your life experiences
  • Developing and integrating a spiritual practice that informs your daily life

What does Depth/Transpersonal/Jungian process work involve?

Depth Psychology evolved from the Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic traditions. Carl Jung further developed these traditions and significantly broadened their views of the psyche. These traditions are characterized primarily by the inclusion of a part of the mind/psyche that is outside of ordinary awareness called the unconscious. Many, if not most other forms of contemporary psychology, view behavior from the limited viewpoint of ego and only work with the conscious parts of the mind.

Depth psychology is an approach that is open to exploring the subtle, unconscious, and transpersonal aspects of human behavior and experience. This approach includes therapeutic activities that explore unconscious process and involve the study of dreams, complexes, myth/archetypes, and synchronicity. It is an approach that is both non-pathologizing and strength-affirming.

The process of Individuation, whereby we bring our unconscious, hidden potentials into concrete living reality is central in Depth/Analytical Psychology. Individuation helps to bring one into greater alignment with the meaning and purpose of life. The central organizing principle of the psyche and the archetype of Individuation is what Jung called the 'Self'. Jung believed that psychological distress is a result of imbalance and alienation from the deeper aspects of the personality.  Depth process work seeks to restore the individual's connection to the energy blueprint of the Self. This is achieved through the therapeutic relationship, dream interpretation, active imagination, and through various expressive therapies.

Transpersonal Psychology Process Work integrates the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human behavior and experience into the therapy process. This includes spiritual self-development and evolution, altered and multi-dimensional states of consciousness, mystical/transcendent experiences and spiritual practices.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life

and you will call it fate".

-Carl Jung

What is Kabbalistic/Esoteric Practice and how do you use it in your work?

Kabbalah is the ancient mystical aspect of the Judao-Christian religious tradition. It concerns itself with describing the process of Creation and the cosmic and divine origins of humans and their unique place and role in Creation. Kabbalistic Psychology integrates modern depth psychology within the scheme of Kabbalah and takes into account the the four-fold nature of humans (body, mind, spirit, divine) within the context of the four-fold Universe. It describes the role of human consciousness and the process of spiritual evolution as we descend into incarnation and then return once again to our divine place of origin in Spirit .

Kabbalah has deep connections and correspondences with the esoteric and hermetic disciplines of astrology, alchemy, and tarot to name a few and can be used in combination with these traditions to provide remarkable insights and knowledge into the human psyche. The Tree of Life and Jacob's Ladder diagrams, primary maps of consciousness that are used as teaching, meditative, and revelatory tools in Kabbalah, are also used to work with the various subtle energy levels of being and the processes of spiritual initiation and evolution within the context of energy balancing and alignment, assisting you to embrace higher dimensional understandings and awareness.

"I died a mineral, and became a plant. I died a plant and rose an animal. I died an animal and I was a man.
Why should I fear? When was I less by dying?

For an excellent overview on Kabbalah with video clips from Z'ev Ben Shimon Halevi, with whom I studied for many years, I recommend the following resource.  There are also opportunities on the site for additional learning, study, and group work.


How does Astrology integrate with this healing approach?

Astrology is an ancient art and science of the cosmos that is truly one of the oldest and purest forms of psychology. It speaks to us in a rich language of image, symbol, and archetypes and its focus is, as in Kabbalah, on illuminating how the microcosm of the human psyche fits into the larger macrocosm of the cosmos. Planets describe basic forces and drives that all humans share and the 12 signs of the Zodiac depict different strategies for learning and embodying particular evolutionary lessons along the path of spiritual development.

A Natal Chart is a frozen picture of the cosmos at the exact time and location of your birth, which in Astrology is viewed as a time and place divinely chosen to provide the perfect circumstances and qualities you need to support you in your evolution, growth, and learning.

Astrology has many correspondences with Depth Psychology and Kabbalah. For example, in Astrology, the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant/Rising Sign correspond to the psychological Self, Ego, and Persona. We gain much by developing an understanding of the balance of signs, elements, planetary emphasis, aspect patterns, and energy influences that characterize the Natal Chart. When we place the Natal Chart onto the Kabbalistic Tree of Life we gain even deeper insight into the particular themes, initiations, gifts, strengths, and challenges that our Soul chose to develop and work with in this ego-body incarnation.

Integrating Astrology and esoteric science into the process of subtle energy alignment and mastery allows us to address 'symptoms' and challenges in the context of Soul and Spiritual growth where they can be seen as opportunities for evolution and initiatory experiences. We use the natal chart both diagnostically and therapeutically in conjunction with counseling and energy medicine to achieve balance, harmony, authenticity and healing at all levels of being.

"...astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity."
-Carl Jung

"There is nothing random about life's events: every single thing, good and bad, is sent to us
purposefully in order to prompt us to eventually question the purpose of our lives and to try to get to know
the Upper Power that is orchestrating our world".

How do the Subtle Energy Body and Shamanic Practices feature in this approach?

Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition that is founded on working with multi-dimensional and subtle energies along with 'techniques of ecstasy', or altered and out-of-body states of consciousness. It is an ancient, and probably the most original form of medicine, pre-dating the separation of mind and body that characterize the modern medical system. Shamans are 'wounded healers' who have healed themselves through the process of initiation and who have mastered the art of circumnavigating the subtle worlds and dimensions at will. They work directly with Spirit/Energy and form primary helping relationships with discarnate spirits, teachers, animals and other spiritual beings who perform healing on their behalf.

Shamanic healing involves working with the subtle energy bodies and the various levels in the unseen worlds in which disease and imbalance originate. In depth psychological terms, we could say that the realm of the Unconscious is in the subtle energy planes, either as unmanifested creative potential or as split-off experience related to traumas, fear, and repression. Whether we view subtle body imbalance as evidence of unconscious 'complexes', as energetic imprints, or as interference by discarnate entities with their own consciousness, working within these realms allows us to address the root causes of visible symptoms, dis-ease, and imbalance.

Using shamanic and energy healing tools and practices in conjunction energy balancing and mastery allows for deep transformative work with core issues and gives embodied expression through ritual and ceremony that both grounds and integrates in the physical world the work we do on the subtle planes. Examples include work with guided meditations and journeying, energy healing, aura cleansing/balancing, sound therapy, crystal therapy & grid work, and adjunctive vibrational medicine treatments using vibrational elixirs, essences, herbs, etc.

The premise in integrating any healing process with multi-dimensional and subtle energy work is that the energy body (or rather bodies) is the organizing template of the physical body, thus we need to address healing at these levels in order to achieve any truly deep, holistic, and lasting benefit.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them."
-Albert Einstein
"Just as we have a physical body, so we have an etheric body and the etheric body is made of energy, of light."
-Frederick Lenz


How do I know if this process will be helpful to me?

This is a four-level, multi-dimensional, bio-psycho-social-spiritual therapy and healing approach that is helpful for many people and addresses a wide variety of issues. I have found it to be an approach that is particularly helpful and successful for those who:

  • are highly sensitive, intuitive, 'empaths'
  • are artistic, creative
  • tend to be 'givers' in relationships with others
  • have difficulty saying no
  • experience vague somatic symptoms, illnesses, or undiagnosed medical issues
  • have vivid dreams and dream recollection
  • have experienced early trauma, particularly developmental, complex, or relational trauma
  • have unresolved grief/loss
  • pick up energies from the environment or other people
  • have difficulty setting limits or establishing healthy boundaries with others
  • have a history of being scape-goated or blamed
  • want to learn to deal effectively with 'toxic' relationship dynamics
  • have difficulty asserting themselves
  • need to develop healthy discernment
  • feel drawn to healing arts, or are healers themselves
  • are functioning fairly well but feel there is something 'missing'
  • are confused about their mission, purpose, or the meaning of their life
  • want to learn mastery of manipulating subtle energies
  • want to have more control over manifesting positive outcomes in their lives
  • are drawn to and want to learn esoteric practices
What can I expect to happen? How does it work?

Many people begin their exploration and practice when they are facing a new or a difficult life challenge. Often, they have tried more traditional therapy/approaches and found they could only go so far. For most, there is a preparatory clearing and groundwork around old conditioning that needs releasing or transforming in preparation for more advanced spiritual training. This involves strengthening the ego's awareness and relationship with the higher aspects of the 'Self'. We learn and practice how to tune in to the messages of soul/spirit in its native language; through dreams, imagery, synchronicities, body & subtle body 'symptoms', symbol & metaphor. Mythically, in spiritual terms, this is the work of the 'Outer Court' (ego), or preparation for entrance to the 'Inner Court of the Grail Mysteries' and the Round Table (SELF).

                                       'Because that history (your individual history), if you are open to it,

                                        can be perceived as a record of God's (Spirit's) intervention in this

                                        person's life and as a dialogue between the Self and the developing

                                        ego.  So I always try to be on the lookout for evidence of a transpersonal

                                        purpose in an individual's life story'. *

                                                                                                                 *Edward Edinger, 'Ego and Self'.


In the first few times that we meet, I will be developing an understanding of what your circumstances are, how/where they originated, and what you want to work on, heal, develop, or change. The gathering of your history and current circumstances allows me to have a context for your life story. The challenges or problems that you identify ('symptoms') become the opportunities for change and transformation that open doors into new ways of being.

I then focus on working with you to put your story and circumstances into a larger context that brings a deeper sense of understanding and meaning. This is done by connecting with archetypal and energetic 'maps' or structures such as the Kabbalistic Tree of life.  Astrology, myth, fairy tale, spiritual traditions, dreams & synchronicity are all used for diagnosing energetic imbalance or blockages. Many people experience an 'aha'! kind of feeling when they are finally able to see how the challenges they have been facing are actually meaningful in the sense of providing direction into where their unconscious needed to grow, their deeper Soul needed to find expression, and/or their Higher Self was attempting to manifest its Divine mission.

The depth process work used to formulate an energetic diagnosis utilizes 'talk therapy', 'shadow work', working with dreams, work with your astrological natal chart, meditation, journeying, journaling, expressive and art therapies.

The more advanced spiritual work ('Inner Court of the Grail Mysteries') can be done individually or through on-demand or live classes and involves learning and working with Kabbalah, and especially with the Tree of Life and Jacob's Ladder models of the different levels of experience and being. It also involves continuing work with Astrology, learning planetary energies, signs, houses, and aspects of the horoscope. The creation of a personal Altar is recommended along with the acquisition of magical tools and working knowledge of the Sacred Circle/Sphere, the seven sacred directions, and corresponding elements, colors, Archangels, etc. Study of the Tarot accompanies this as a working symbolic map of the spiritual initiation process with the ability to use it for meditation, pathworking, and divination. Along the way you will also become familiar with the processes and symbolism of Alchemy and learn to work with the 'Life/Death/Life' cycles inherent in all creation. There is further, advanced working with dreams in which you will develop experience with the collective and transpersonal realms of the inner worlds. Finally, you will also broaden and ground your work by engaging in personal (and/or group) sacred ritual and ceremony.

A Note on Confidentiality:

Confidentiality is one of the most important components between a client and energy practitioner/spiritual guide. Successful energy mastery requires a high degree of trust with highly sensitive subject matter.  You can expect that what you discuss in our work together will be confidential and will not be shared with anyone.  Sometimes, however, you may want me to share information or give an update to someone on your healthcare team (your Physician, Naturopath, Attorney), but by law your I cannot release this information without obtaining your written permission.